Thursday 21 December 2017

Dubai churches | Churches in Dubai | Powerful churches in Dubai | UAE

King's Revival Church International Ministries, is one of the renowned churches in Dubai, UAE. Widely known as it is one of the biggest churches in Dubai, UAE. Also one of the top Pentecostal churches in Dubai, UAE.
Signs, Wonders,
Miracles & Healings
Miracle Moments with Pastor Dill (Dubai)
Receive God's love, His Word and His exceedingly great power for you and your family and be blessed forever in Jesus Name With much love, affection and anointing of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit

DR. V. Dill - Founder & Senior Overseer
(Dill Ministries International - King's Revival Church International)

An Extremely Loving

An Exceedingly Powerful

And Extensively Large ministry

That Wipes the tears of mega multitudes all around the world

With Immediate Signs, Wonders, Miracles & Healings

Also Miracle Moments TV, Miracle Moments Healing Rallies, Miracle School for Healing and Wholeness, Miracle Life Bible Schools and many more facets.

Multi Facets of Ministry
Miracle Life Worship Services (16 Services + 3 Healing Rallies per week in Dubai Churches)
Miracle Life Bible Schools (2 Schools / week - Churches in Dubai)
Miracle School for Healing & Wholeness (worldwide)
Fatherly overseeing of Missionary Churches (worldwide)
Miracle Moments TV Gospel Outreach (worldwide)
Anointed books authored by Pastor Dill:
(Rapture, Jesus Loves You & Heals You, Streams of Miracle Life,
Jesus Christ Heals Even Now, True Anointing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
Miracle Life Now & Forever, Because I Live You Shall Live Also etc.)
Magazine - Signs Wonders and Miracles (with Incredible Testimonies & Praise Reports)
Miracle Life Prayer Centre - 24 hrs
Miracle Life & Love for the needy (orphans, widows, destitute etc.)

Our faithful Lord attests Pastor V. Dill’s ministry with instant signs, wonders and miracles and mega multitudes in the parent church, Dubai (KRC Intl.) and worldwide open air Miracle Moments Healing and Blessing Festivals in many nations.

The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dumb speak with many incredible healing and life saving testimonies by the power and mercy of God, drawing millions of people to Christ Jesus our Saviour (Luke 7:22 / Matthew 11:5-6 / Hebrews 2:3-4).

Miracle School for Healing and Wholeness teaches, imparts and inspires many ministers in other churches to rise up and preach the Gospel with power for healing and miracles.

Pastor V. Dill as a father (Apostle), oversees and supports many churches (at present) and is widely seen in many countries via 18 television stations, taking the gospel with instant signs, wonders and miracles to the broken hearted, poor and wiping away their tears.

Fathering and Pastoring one of the world’s largest incredibly powerful mega ministry’s in the Middle East with sixteen (16) services per week in Dubai, UAE.

We say to everyone that this church/ministry can always be called a THANK YOU JESUS MINISTRY”

Pastor V. Dill lives with his wife, Suhanthi and their daughter, Divineha.

Due to the mammoth crowds that come, and the great manifestations of God’s power and healing with immediate signs, wonders and miracles taking place in every Miracle Moments Healing Convention in many parts of the world, Pastor Dilkumar is privileged to have mayors, ambassadors, government officials as audience at his private meetings.

He is currently being featured in eighteen famous Christian TV stations like TBN Europe, INI TV, The Church Chanel, CTS TV, Holy God, CNL, Hope TV, Gospel Vision, Miracle Chanel, Life TV, Revelation, Faith TV, New Hope TV, Harvest TV, Hope TV, The Word Network, Apna Network, Big J & Rainbow TV, for his program called Miracle Moments with Pastor Dill which take the Gospel of Christ Jesus with signs, wonders and miracles to many nations.

He also ministers at Conferences through various invitations worldwide imparting the love and miracle working power of God. And lately, the Holy Spirit has inspired him to write books titled True Anointing and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ Heals You Right Now, Miracle Life in the the new heaven and new earth where we will be united with God to live with Him in glory, righteousness, peace and joy for all eternity, in our Father's Mansions.

One God
We believe in One, True and Loving God who has revealed Himself in the Bible as One Being in three distinct persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who is eternal, self-existent and self-sufficient; Creator, Provider and Preserver of all things visible and invisible.

The Lord Jesus Christ - God in Flesh
We believe in Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, the only begotten Son of God, the Father, His divinity, His humanity, His virgin birth by the power of the Holy Spirit, His sinless, holy life, His Words and His Blood shed for our salvation, His miracles, healings, signs, wonders, suffering, death on the cross and His bodily resurrection from the dead, His ascension to the Father in heaven. We believe He, in all glory is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is our one and only mediator and interceding High Priest forever .

The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune Godhead, who proceeds from the Father and the Son; to lead us and guide us in all truth, love and power.

God’s Holy Word
We believe that the Bible containing the Old Testament and the New Testament (consisting of 66 books) in their original script is the only infallible, inerrant, authoritative, and living Word written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The Fall of Man
We believe that man was made in the image and likeness of God with a free will to respond to God his Creator, but he willfully disobeyed God’s Word, and hence, was separated from God.

We believe Salvation is God’s free gift to all mankind. By the grace and mercy of God, we are saved through faith in Christ Jesus. We believe that everyone who repents of his or her sins, believes in the salvation words and deeds of Jesus Christ, is born again, and is made alive by the in-dwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

The Shed Blood of Jesus Christ
We believe that forgiveness and remission of sins for the whole world is by and through the blood of Jesus Christ: the eternal High Priest who offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the world, once and for all, and sat at the right hand of the Father.

Water Baptism
We believe in Baptism by single immersion in water, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, for all believers.

Baptism in Holy Spirit and Fire
We believe that every believer is required to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as promised by our Lord, to live a victorious life and to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

The Church (The Bride of our Lord)
We believe Church is the “Body of Christ” consisting of those who are born again and that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church.

Holy Spirit Gifts and Power
We believe that the Church should function in all nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Five Grace Ministry Gifts mentioned in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 / Ephesians 4:11

The Lord’s Supper
We believe in the Lord’s Supper when we gather in one-ness of love washed by His shed Blood.

Divine Healing, Wholeness, Long Life in Abundance
We believe in the truth of the written Word, that healing and wholeness comes by the atoning work of Christ.  And God confirms His Word with signs, wonders and miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Rapture in Mid-Air and The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
We believe in the Rapture of the church as the bride, in mid-air and the subsequent visible return of Jesus Christ, after the seven years of tribulation.  His reign upon earth, the eternal punishment of the wicked, the new heaven and new earth where we will be united with God to live with Him in glory, righteousness, peace and joy for all eternity, in our Father's Mansions.

To know more visit -

Friday 8 December 2017

Biggest Church in Dubai

DR. V. Dill - Founder & Senior Overseer
(Dill Ministries International - King's Revival Church International)

An Extremely Loving

An Exceedingly Powerful

And Extensively Large ministry

That Wipes the tears of mega multitudes all around the world

With Immediate Signs, Wonders, Miracles & Healings

Also Miracle Moments TV, Miracle Moments Healing Rallies, Miracle School for Healing and Wholeness, Miracle Life Bible Schools and many more facets.

Multi Facets of Ministry
Miracle Life Worship Services (16 Services + 3 Healing Rallies per week in Dubai Churches)
Miracle Life Bible Schools (2 Schools / week - Churches in Dubai)
Miracle School for Healing & Wholeness (worldwide)
Fatherly overseeing of Missionary Churches (worldwide)
Miracle Moments TV Gospel Outreach (worldwide)
Anointed books authored by Pastor Dill:
(Rapture, Jesus Loves You & Heals You, Streams of Miracle Life,
Jesus Christ Heals Even Now, True Anointing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
Miracle Life Now & Forever, Because I Live You Shall Live Also etc.)
Magazine - Signs Wonders and Miracles (with Incredible Testimonies & Praise Reports)
Miracle Life Prayer Centre - 24 hrs